How do I unfollow or leave a group on Workplace?
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You can unfollow a group to stop seeing the group posts in your News Feed. If you don't want to be in a group, you can leave the group. Remember that you may not be able to rejoin a group depending on the group's privacy setting.
Unfollow a group
- From the group you want to unfollow, click
below the group's cover photo.
- Click Follow options.
- Click Unfollow.
Leave a group
- From the group you want to leave, click
below the group's cover photo.
- Click Leave Group, then click Leave Group to confirm.
When you leave a group, you also have the option to deny being invited back to the group in future. If you select this option, you will only be able to join the group again if you search for the group and click Join on the top left. If it is a secret group, you will not be able to find it again to join it.
To unblock invites from a group:
- Click your profile picture on the bottom left of Workplace.
- Click Settings and go to Blocking.
- You can see your blocked groups next to Manage group invites.
- Click Unblock next to the group you want to unblock invites from.
Note: If you leave a group that you're an admin of, members of the group will be offered the admin role.