How do I add, edit or remove pinned topics in a Workplace group?

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Group admins can pin topics so that they appear first in the popular topics list. Pinned topics also appear as suggestions when colleagues are composing posts.

Adding and removing pinned topics

To pin topics:
  1. Click Topics, below your group’s cover image. You may need to click More first.
  2. Click Pin topic.
  3. Add up to five topics.
  4. Click Save.
To unpin topics:
  1. Click Topics, below your group’s cover image. You may need to click More first.
  2. Click next to the topic you would like to unpin.
  3. Click Unpin topic.
  4. Click Confirm if prompted.
Please note that removing a pinned topic will also remove it from all posts where it has been added by a group admin. If it has been included by the posts original author, the topic will stay in place. When you remove a pinned topic, you will be told how many posts will be affected.

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